Nepali girl rescued in Delhi

न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ श्रावण १६ गते, बुधबार ०७:५५

Nirmala Gharti Magar, Due to financial problems at home she was in huge problems. Her neighbour Sapana convinced her to get her a job in Kathmandu.

In the same way Sapana convinced her that she would get a better job in Delhi. Instead of giving her better job sapana sold nirmala in Delhi.

She was physically, mentally and sexually exploited. Fortunately she was rescued in Delhi by Maiti India in support of Love and Hope.

Maiti India is taking her back to Nepal and provide her necessary support.

फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु