भारतको उर्जा सप्ताहमा भाग लिन मन्त्री खड्का नयाँदिल्ली प्रस्थानसिन्धु फुड प्रोडक्स प्रालि द्वारा भब्य बनभोज कार्यक्रम सम्पन्नसंयोग र इभानालाई स्वर्णशीतकालीन एसियाली खेलकुदमा सन्तोषजनक प्रदर्शनरोयल इनफिल्ड महा राइड ः जनकपुरदेखि सिन्धुलीसम्मको रोमाञ्चक यात्रा ।युवा व्यवसायी ज्ञानेन्द्र गौतमको सामाजिक यात्रामा निरन्तरता कायमैआज माघ २८ गते सोमबार : यस्तो छ तपाईको राशिफलसाल्ट ट्रेडिङकी सीईओ उर्मिला श्रेष्ठ ‘म्यानेजर अफ द इयर’ अवार्डबाट सम्मानितलोमश वाङ्मय प्रतिष्ठानको आयोजनामा “समानान्तर पृथ्वी”सार्वजनिकरण तथा मुक्तक बिशेष रचना वाचन कार्यक्रम सम्पन्नबगाले थापा क्षेत्रीहरूको कुलपूजा यसवर्ष झन् विशेष बनाउन सबै पक्षबाट तयारी


न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ भाद्र २५ गते, सोमबार ०४:५१

10 September 2018
The Office Of Dipendra Kandel

Public Sector Innovator Er. Dipendra Kandel has expressed his dissatisfaction with the behaviour of Honorable Adhikari and the CAAN authorities who failed to take actions to empower the civil aviation industry. Mr. Kandel had submitted a memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister Adhikari that made the various problems prevalent in the aviation industry quite clear as they were risking the safety of the national/international passengers and crew members.

Mr. Kandel says “ I had submitted memorandum with the number of problems in the Civil Aviation and my role for the solution. I emphasized  the current situations of risky runway, lack of sophisticated radar technology found elsewhere in the world, lack of investigation, lessons not learned, poor national record and miscommunication of the control team. I had also informed Honorable for the immediate actions for the betterment of Aviation where my organization Dipendra Kandel Initiative organizes an international conferences.”

Mr. Kandel added “ I have talked not only with the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) but also with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Regional Director (Asia) Mr. Arun Mishra through email about the current issues and its rehabilitation even with the support of International funding if needed. I have also approached the Office of the Hon’ble Prime Minister through email as well as a formal letter seeking an appointment to discuss how through mutual cooperation, the TIA and the aviation industry in general can be empowered. However, so far, there has not been any positive response from the Office of Prime Minister nor much support from the CAAN office.”

Currently, Mr. Kandel has submitted an appointment request to the PM office in order to discuss the matter at the highest authority possible in the country. He remains skeptical about the ordeal however and explains, “If I am to receive the requested meeting with the Hon’ble PM Oli, I shall present all the facts as well as details available in order to make him understand the severity of the situation here. His interest, or disinterest, in the matter can not only result in Nepali casualties but also deaths and injuries to international citizens as Nepal is a tourism-rich country. If the PM takes action at present then in future, we can avoid scrutiny from the international regulatory bodies as well as international media criticism”.

Mr. Kandel says “Aviation has come to be regarded as one of the safest mode of transportation. However, Nepal has a high instances of plane/helicopter accidents which raises several questions about the nation’s aviation safety.” He added “When an incident occurs, regardless of whether there were casualties or not, those incidents are subsequently blamed on either ‘human error’ or ‘faulty weather’ even though in this technologically advanced era, there are multiple resources available that counter the mentioned causes. In regards to the pilots being at fault i.e. ‘human error’, the regulatory bodies should use more knowledge and caution while appointing pilots. On the other hand, weather is an uncontrollable force in itself, however, various sophisticated technologies are available and used by many that prevent and forestall any incidents from occurring during visual impairments especially during landing.”

While showing his complete dissatisfaction with the current disengaged attitude of the officials and authority bodies, Kandel states, “All I ask from the ministers is to show some seriousness about this issue as we still have time to make changes and take precautions before that next big tragedy.” Adding, “I have tried my best to remain active and do my bit in making a change here with commitments to conduct an international conference which will give a wider spectrum to this national issue, however, if there is no support ot even some initiative from the respective authorities, there is no real hope of improvements”. Mr. Kandel has requested Honorable Minister to refrain from blaming the weather and human error i.e. pilots from hereafter, as the cause for flight accidents which has been the case in the last few flight tragedies.

फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु