Inauguration of 9th edition of Made in Pakistan Expo is being organized in Kathmandu

न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ आश्विन १७ गते, बुधबार ०९:२२

The 9th edition of Made in Pakistan Expo is being organized in Kathmandu at the United World Trade Centre from 03 to 09 October, 2018. On 03 October the Expo was inaugurated by Mr Himalaya Shamsher Rana, President Nepal – Pakistan Friendship Association.Single country Made in Pakistan Expo is being organized by the Rawalpindi Chambers of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with a number of Pakistani businessmen, who would be exhibiting their products.

The Pakistani products which include furniture, leather items, handicrafts, textile products, artificial jewelry etc are for sale at the Exhibition. A group of more than 50 Pakistani businessmen are exhibiting their products.

Prominent speakers on the inauguration programme of 9th Made in Pakistan Expo were H.E Mr. Mazhar Javed, Ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal and Mr Khurshid Barlas, Chairman Regional Trade Committee of Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce.


The event is greatly helping in introduction of Pakistani products to Nepalese consumers and provides a platform for interaction between the businessmen of two countries. This will in turn results enhancing the volume of trade between the two countries.

After the inauguration on October 03, 2018 at United World Trade Center, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, the Exhibition will remain open for public participation/visit till October 09, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.

फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु