भारतको उर्जा सप्ताहमा भाग लिन मन्त्री खड्का नयाँदिल्ली प्रस्थानसिन्धु फुड प्रोडक्स प्रालि द्वारा भब्य बनभोज कार्यक्रम सम्पन्नसंयोग र इभानालाई स्वर्णशीतकालीन एसियाली खेलकुदमा सन्तोषजनक प्रदर्शनरोयल इनफिल्ड महा राइड ः जनकपुरदेखि सिन्धुलीसम्मको रोमाञ्चक यात्रा ।युवा व्यवसायी ज्ञानेन्द्र गौतमको सामाजिक यात्रामा निरन्तरता कायमैआज माघ २८ गते सोमबार : यस्तो छ तपाईको राशिफलसाल्ट ट्रेडिङकी सीईओ उर्मिला श्रेष्ठ ‘म्यानेजर अफ द इयर’ अवार्डबाट सम्मानितलोमश वाङ्मय प्रतिष्ठानको आयोजनामा “समानान्तर पृथ्वी”सार्वजनिकरण तथा मुक्तक बिशेष रचना वाचन कार्यक्रम सम्पन्नबगाले थापा क्षेत्रीहरूको कुलपूजा यसवर्ष झन् विशेष बनाउन सबै पक्षबाट तयारी

Khalistan Referendum goes on despite threats from Indian Government

न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७८ मंसिर १८ गते, शनिबार १३:०४

Monitoring Desk: “Despite India’s false propaganda against Sikhs’ indigenous Khalistan campaign, Sikhs for Justice (SJF) has been running a massive Khalistan referendum campaign across the UK in which a large number of Sikhs have been participating in support for Khalistan,” reports European media.

In the next phase, voting for Khalistan Referendum will be held in Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara Sunderland, the UK on December 5, 2021, and December 10, in Geneva.

After October 31 voting, Indian authorities sent messages to British Sikh NRIs that strict actions would be taken place against them such as the cancellation of cards and visas to India. However, the Sikh community is going on with its scheduled Referendum.

Khalistan referendum has sent a strong message to the Indian establishment to end discrimination against Sikhs and prepare to give Sikhs their birthright of freedom. Since voting will be held in phases globally, the result of the Khalistan referendum will be declared by Punjab Referendum Commission after the final phase of voting and that will be held in the next six months. The findings of the referendum would be shared with the UN, international bodies, and a wider consensus would be created. via

फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु