पर्वतारोहणका साहसिक व्यक्तित्व र जीवन बचाउने नायक 'छिरिङ पेम्बा शेर्पा'आजको देशभरको मौसम ।। कतै हल्का बर्षा–कतै हिमपात ।। बाँकी भू‍–भागमा आंशिकदेखि साधारणतया बदलीहुम्लामा हिमपात ।। चिसो बढ्यो ।। ढिला हिमपात भएकोमा हुम्लावासी खुशी ।।आज अमेरिकी डलर एकको खरिदर १ सय ३५ रूपैयाँ २१ पैसाप्राचार्य गरैको सेवासँगै दान, आश्रमको एउटा कोठा निर्माण गर्नेगायक गोबिन्द राज आचार्यको नयाँ गित 'एकदिन उज्यालो छाउला' सार्वजनिकचलचित्र ‘मिसिङः केटी हराएको सूचना’ अब माघ ११ गतेचलचित्र ‘द्रौपदी’ आगामी ८ चैतबाट देशब्यापी रिलिज हुनेमोवाइल फोनको आविष्कारक मार्टिन कूपर अव ९५ बर्षबागलुङका पाँच सरकारी विद्यालय बन्द

NRNs keen to set up factories Bhairahawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ बैशाख ११ गते, मंगलवार १३:३०
With a view to tap the US market Nepali importers are planning  to set up factories to manufacture travel goods and other items in the Bhairahawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ.) The US has been presently providing duty free market access to 66 Nepali manufactured products such as
luggage, handbags, pocket goods, travel bags, carpets, shawls, blankets and headgears, among others, on top of regular facility of generalised system of preference (GSP).
The single country trade preference provided in 2015 through an exclusive act named ‘Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act’ will be valid till 2025.
Rishi Dhakal, a trader of Nepali origin now based in California of the US, and a few other non-resident Nepalis (NRNs) have expressed interest to set up factory in SEZ. Dhakal’s Rising International Inc is among the largest overseas importers of Nepali readymade garments since long. The government had appointed Dhakal as honorary consul of Nepal to the United States in 2012.
Madhu Kumar Marasini, consul general of Nepal in New York, said the consulate office has been facilitating US traders of Nepali origin to set up factories in Nepal to capitalise on the duty-free, quota-free facility of the US government granted exclusively for Nepal to support sustained growth of the country considering how the economy emerged from the decade-long conflict and political transition and was further shattered by the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015.
Those who establish their factory within SEZ have to export 75 per cent of their production and it is realistic for US-based traders to export the goods produced in their factory in SEZ.
Chandika Prasad Bhatta, executive director of SEZ Authority Nepal, said the SEZ has called for request for proposal from other firms interested to set up industries in Bhairahawa SEZ. Altogether 19 industries have booked 55 plots, out of the total 69 plots in Bhairahawa SEZ. The remaining plots will be sold to interested and eligible firms to set up industries.
Currently, around $8 million worth of 66 items granted duty-free facility are being exported to the US market every year. However, there are chances to raise the export of these items that have obtained duty-free facility to the worlds’ largest economy.
News by Govind G Govind
फेसबुक प्रतिक्रिया
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु