Mr. Bal Krishna Pandey the man who is always ready to help migrant Nepalis in India in different aspects of their lives was in live conversation with our Editor Govind Ghimire. The following are the description of his vast experience and selfless activities towards the betterment og Migrant Nepalis in India.
Mr Bal Krishna Pandey is the President of Nepali Jansampark Samiti,India, Founder of Maiti India, Central Invitee Member of Nepali Congress working comctte and Member of International Federation of Journalists.
Nepali Jan Sampark Samiti is a welfare organization which takes care of migrant Nepali in social, health, education, Religious and cultural activities.
Nepali Jansampark Samiti has a long history serving the Nepali migrants.
Nepali Jansampark Samiti was establishedby in 15th June 1975 by Honourable, Late B.P Koirala in Mumbai with a core three member team. At present Nepali Jansampark Samiti 195 branches, 7 regional offices. The Samiti boasts of 50,000 members in 31 countries.
Nepali Jansampark Samiti works in the interest of
Nepali migrants. The Samiti’s prime objective is to safeguard the rights and interests of Nepali
Migrants settled in India.
Apart from India Nepali Jansampark Samiti has spread it’s wings to 31 countries. While establishing these branches Mr Pandey being the President has played an important role by coordinatiing and facilitating with concerned authorities in both Nepal and abroad.
Nepali Jansampark Samiti in New Delhi takes care of the Nepali migrants in terms of health, education, culture and religion and protection of their rights.
In times of sickness the Samiti helps migrants to be admitted to hospitals and helps people coming from Nepal to be admitted in hospitals. In cases of poor people who cannot afford the medical treatment the Samiti arranges for finances. emergency services during accidents are provided .
When cases of unpaid wages are reported the Samiti contacts the concerned owner and resolves the issue. The Samiti helps pensioners to get their pension in time.Any domestic violence reported is negotiated and solved with concerned parties.
In the education sector the poor Nepali students are helped by the Samiti in their tuition fees and buying stationary. The Samiti counsels and encourages the poor to continue to study. It’s continuous effort in encouraging and counselling parents and students to study has now reaped results with children of security guards now emerging as Charter Accountants, Managers, IT professionals. The Samiti also helps students to get admitted in different colleges of India where admissions are extremely difficult.
Religion being an integral part of the Nepali people the Samiti has set up replica temples of Pashupatinath in Delhi, Bhopal and Pune. During the Teej
festival the ladies are provided with ” Dar’ during the fasting time. During Diwali the tradition of playing ‘Deausure” has been maintained every year. In this manner different festivals celebrated by the Nepali people are arranged with cultural dances and other activities. The Samiti helps and coordinates Nepali people for pilgrimage tours to different pilgrimage sites around India. In one of these tours to Badri Kedarnath in Uttarakhand a deadly flood had occurred in 2016, with the loss of lives of many pilgrims. The Samiti rescued the Nepali pilgrims who were stranded for days. Apart from Hindus with a secular mindset the Samiti helps everyone irrespective of their religion.
In sports the Samiti arranges different games and tournaments in Cricket, Football and Kapadi.
For Trade and Commerce the Samiti has registered Everest Chamber of Commerce in India. This Chamber of Commerce facilitates Nepali Businessmen to establish their business in India, to address different hazards faced by the businessmen, to help them obtain PAN cards. If any threat or problem is arisen by the local people in India the Chamber resolves such issues.
Indian businessmen with business interest in Nepal who face difficulties the Samiti helps them in close coordination with ministry of foreign affairs and PMO office of both the countries.
Apart from these activities that Mr.Pandey excutes there are certain political activities that have taken place when Nepal was trying to restore democracy. In Nepal Bikram Sambat 2045the Samiti has organized protest rallies in Mumbai, Delhi and other cities of India. In Bikram Sambat 2062 when the people’s movement was at its peak a huge protest rally was organized in Ram Lila maidan of New Delhi by the Samiti. This protest rally was participated by thousands of migrant Nepali people, representatives of UML, Moabadi and the Nepali Congress.
During the economic blockade imposed by India, Nepal suffered in every aspect of their lives. Mr Pandey tried his best to convince the Indian Government to lift this ban. He had a series of meetings with Indian Government. He pleaded by saying that the Nepali soldiers who are protecting India, their families are without food and their children not been able to go to school. Such efforts then ultimately made

India realize how grave the situation was.
Maiti India
With the collaboration of Maiti Nepal , Maiti India avails, rescues and rehabilitates Nepali women who are sold as prostitutes in the flesh trade market in India.
In this context Bal Krishna Pandey Founder of Maiti India shares his views with emotions of how it all commenced, the mission to rescue Nepali girls being sold and trapped in brothels of different parts of India. Mr Pandey when he auricularly discerned incidents of Nepali girls being sold in India as to how even in the 21st century humans could be sold.
Pandey witnessed the Gujjar’s Jats and the local people looking at these girls with lust and pouncing on them in the corners of streets and alleys. These inhuman and horrific scenes disturbed him a lot seeing his own Nepali girls being treated like animals.
During the tenure of the then Prime minister Mr Krishna Prasad Bhattarai on his visit to India, Pandey had submitted a report on the plight of these women. He even appealed to the diplomatic mission of Nepal to India but this problem was never addressed by any Nepali government authority.His continuous visits to the Nepali Embassy in New Delhi regarding this case was at last heard by the diplomatic mission, asking him to do something about it. With this encouragement he went ahead to register Maiti India of which he is the chairman. Prior to registering he took the consent of Anuradha Koirala Chairperson of Maiti Nepal.
Maiti India with close coordination and assistance of CWC, the local police and concerned security agencies rescues these Nepali girls so vulnerable and in distress who are later handed over to Maiti Nepal with the help of Nepali Embassy in New Delhi, the foreign Ministry of Nepal and the Nepali police.The culprits or the pimps involved are procuted with a fine and imprisonment a certain number of years. The victims are given proper justice.
Rescue operations have taken place in various cities of India with hundreds of such cases dealt with. Out of numerous case that Maiti India has been involved one such case in worth mentioning is the rape case by two Saudi Diplomats in 2015. This news went viral making headlines in prominent TV programs. These two Diplomats along with their other friends confined these Nepali women (who were hired as house maids)
took turns to rape them. Mr Pandey along with his team set determined to free these Nepali women. The process of rescuing the two Nepali women wad extremely dangerous and difficult with death threats received over the phone. However with help of CBI they were able to rescue these two women. The brokers or the pimps involved in selling these women to the diplomatic were sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs 50,000. The two Diplomats accused of rape, due to their diplomatic immunity fled back to their country.
Mr Pandey further says that rescuing Nepali girls from India is a difficult task with limited resources. However he along with his wife and team are working as volunteers undeterred. Pandey hopes to establish a transit home in India in due course of time.
सम्बन्धित शीर्षकहरु