उर्जामन्त्री खड्का र भारतका विद्युतमन्त्री खट्टरबीच भेट, दुई देशको उर्जा विकासका विविध विषयमा छलफलथ्री बाई थ्री एनबिसी नेपाल बास्केटबल च्याम्पियनसिपको सेमिफाइनल समीकरण पूराशुक्रबार देखि नेपाल एग्रीटेक, फुड एण्ड बेभरेज इन्टरनेशनल एक्स्पो हुदैंखानी खोला हाइड्रोपावरको बाह्रौं बार्षिक साधारणसभा सम्पन्नएनआरएनए मूल आयोजक समितिमार्फत महाधिवेशन तयारीलाई थप तिव्रताश्रीस्वस्थानी व्रत आज विधिपूर्वक समापन गरिँदैगीति कविता : मायाको यो सुनौलो यात्रामाMercure Kathmandu Hotel Presents Exclusive Valentine’s Day Experiencesगायक राजेश पायल राईको स्वरमा रहेको ‘रित्तो जन्में’ गीत सार्वजनिकतेजुका कपमा नेपालबाट २ खेलाडीले खेल्ने

Dashain Special Beverage cocktail And Mocktail

न्यूजलाईन्स् मिडिया संवाददाता
प्रकाशित मिति : २०७५ आश्विन ३१ गते, बुधबार १५:१९



  • 45 ml Smirnoff vodka
  • 20 ml amaretto
  • 90 to 100ml cold fresh pineapple juice
  • Ice cubes

Mixing instruction

Place all the ingredients into cocktail shaker fill with ice. Than shake the mixer for 30 second and then strain into whole pineapple.


Coconut Dawn


  • 45 ml white rum
  • 20 ml Malibu rum
  • 90 to 100ml cold fresh pineapple juice
  • Coconut cream 

Mixing instruction

Blended the ingredients together in a chilled coconut filled with ice cube.


Garden of Dream:


  • 60 ml – Hendricks’s Gin
  • 15 ml- cucumber syrup
  • 10 ml- lemon juice
  • 5-6 pieces- fresh mint leaves
  • 2-3 slices- apple, cucumber & lemon

Mixing Instruction:

Slightly muddle mint leaves, few slices of apple, cucumber & lemon wedges. Pour the cucumber syrup and gin over ice cubes in a glass. Top up with apple juice. Garnish with cucumber or apple and mint. Serve in: Hurricane or Tom Collin.

Dusky Sunset

  • Guava juice- 1 glass
  • Tabasco sauce- few dashes
  • Worcestershire sauce- few dashes
  • Black salt- half table spoon
  • Lemon juice- 15 ml
  • Coriander leaves- 5-6 leaves
  • Green Chili- 1 piece ( cut into half)

Mixing Instruction:

Gently muddle coriander leaves and black salt. Pour few drops of Worcestershire, Tabasco, lemon juice and a glass of guava juice in a glass filled with ice cubes and stir. Garnish with coriander stick and green chill. Tom Collin or hurricane



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